Committee Duties
Committee Duties
Communications Duties:
1. It shall be the duty of the Communications & Internal Relations Committee to prepare suitable means and materials for developing increased interest in, and better understanding of, the field of maxillofacial rehabilitation to the public and Professionals.
2. The Communications & Internal Relations Committee will publish an ISMR newsletter twice per annum. The newsletter shall be designed and prepared to convey timely information concerning the ISMR to its members. It may also contain other material for the information of members. The Chair of the Communications Committee shall communicate and collaborate with the Principal of the Central office with regard to cost, fund development for the newsletter and mailing.
3. The Communications & Internal Relations Committee will seek to develop and implement innovative means of communication.
4. The Communications & Internal Relations Committee will obtain approval for all communications from the Secretary and President.
5. The Communications & Internal Relations Committee will obtain approval from the treasurer for all expenditures for communications activity.
6. The Communications & Internal Relations Committee must always exercise the highest ethical standards in decision making when considering communications opportunities. At all times communications opportunities must not carry risk of damage to the good name and reputation of the ISMR.
Nominating Duties:
1. The Communications & Internal Relations Committee shall make nominations for all positions of executive officers and Councilors of the ISMR.
2. Written nominations for all positions of officers and councilors are to be delivered to the Secretary at least 30 days before the Constituent Meeting at which elections are to be held.
3. The Communications & Internal Relations Committee shall assist the President, if requested, in the selection of members for committees or other positions serving the ISMR.
4. The Communications & Internal Relations Committee shall attempt to select candidates on a diversified basis.
5. The Communications & Internal Relations Committee is expected to welcome suggestions but shall be required to consider all recommendations for nominations from Constituent Members of the ISMR provided such nominations are made in writing, signed by the nominee, endorsed by two other constituent members and delivered to the Nominating Committee at least 30 days before the constituent meeting at which elections are to be held.
Education Duties:
1. It shall be the duty of the Education, Research & Outreach Committee to stimulate, promote, and organize professional development and knowledge transfer opportunities in maxillofacial rehabilitation.
2. It shall be the duty of the Education, Research & Outreach Committee to develop an awareness of education in maxillofacial rehabilitation, to report significant developments to the Board and members, and to recommend action by the ISMR if appropriate.
3. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee may also recommend or develop, with the approval of the Board, continuing education activities to be presented by the ISMR for non-members or for other organizations or institutions.
4. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee, in conjunction with the External Relations Committee, will develop and maintain an international directory of maxillofacial rehabilitation programs and training programs (of all relevant programs in surgery, dental specialties, rehabilitation medicine, basic science and other relevant disciplines). Primary responsibility for developing and maintaining the directory rests with the External Relations
Research Duties:
1. It shall be the duty of the Education, Research & Outreach Committee to stimulate, promote, and organize research in maxillofacial rehabilitation.
2. It is the responsibility of the Education, Research & Outreach Committee to develop funding to support a viable research grants program. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee in developing the funding must communicate effectively with the Treasurer and Finance Committee.
3. All contractual or other formal or implied relationships entered into with fund development can only be approved through the Treasurer by the President.
4. It shall be the duty of the Education, Research & Outreach Committee to develop an awareness of research in maxillofacial rehabilitation, to report significant developments to the Board and members, and to recommend action by the ISMR if appropriate.
5. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee must also manage the ISMR Research Grants Program. This requires developing funding for research grants, working with the Central Office to advertise the Research Grants program to members, awarding the grants and monitoring the outcome from the awards.
6. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee will be responsible for judging competitions for abstracts and posters at scientific meetings.
Outreach Duties:
1. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee is responsible for soliciting, organizing, funding and measuring outcome of outreach programs.
2. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee is an important to the ISMR and the Outreach Committee is expected to operate an active outreach program consisting of patient care and education programs for professionals.
3. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee must develop funding to support the outreach programs.
4. The outreach program will focus on patient care and providing education and training to areas of the world that require development in maxillofacial rehabilitation.
5. Outreach programs of the ISMR that involve patient care must be developed on a sustainable basis and must involve clinicians who are very experienced.
6. Outreach programs that involve education of professional must seek to establish those being trained to be able to function independently.
7. Outreach program development must be developed through the established business plan model for ISMR Outreach programs. Each outreach business plan must be signed off in order by the Treasurer, Finance Committee and President.
8. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee must always exercise the highest ethical standards in decision making when considering fund development opportunities. At all times fund development opportunities must not carry risk of damage to the good name and reputation of the ISMR.
9. All contractual or other formal or implied relationships entered into with fund development can only be approved through the Treasurer by the President.
10. The Chair of the Education, Research & Outreach Committee must communicate and collaborate in fund development with the Chair of the Fund Development Committee and the Principal of the Central Office.
11. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee must exercise due diligence and exercise risk management in outreach program development and operation.
Business Management (Head and Neck Related Programs) Duties:
1. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee is responsible for developing information and resources for establishment, implementation and sustaining head and neck related programs.
2. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee will actively seek to be a supportive resource for programs in developing and third world economies.
3. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee will seek relationship and support of governments, institutions and industry partners to develop business management resources for head and neck related programs.
4. The Education, Research & Outreach Committee will seek to engage the membership of the ISMR by operating a Business Management Group.
Finance Duties:
1. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to advise the President and Board on all matters concerning the financial well being of the ISMR.
2. The Finance Committee shall advise the Treasurer on the preparation of budgets for consideration by the Board.
3. The Finance Committee shall recommend to the Board means by which the ISMR can meet its financial obligations.
4. The Finance Committee shall advise the Treasurer on the management of ISMR funds and securities.
5. The Finance Committee should expect to be consulted in preparation for decisions on major expenditures by the ISMR.
6. The Finance Committee, with the approval of the Board, may seek the assistance of experts external to the ISMR.
7. The Chair of the finance Committee must communicate effectively and cooperate with the Fund Development Committee.
8. The Treasurer is a member of the Finance Committee.
Fund Development Duties:
1. The Finance Committee has the responsibility being active in creating funding for the ISMR through contributions from industry, institutions, foundations, benefactors and other such sources.
2. The Chair of the Finance Committee must communicate effectively and cooperate with The Treasurer and the Principal at the Central Office.
3. The Finance Committee must always exercise the highest ethical standards in decision making when considering fund development opportunities. At all times fund development opportunities must not carry risk of damage to the good name and reputation of the ISMR.
4. All contractual or other formal or implied relationships entered into with fund development can only be approved through the Treasurer by the President
Membership Duties:
1. The primary responsibility of the Membership & External Relations Committee will be to actively identifying and recruit qualified persons and organizations for membership. This is an essential expectation of the work to be undertaken by the Membership & External Relations Committee.
2. It shall be the duty of the Membership & External Relations Committee to examine the qualifications of applicants for constituent, life and organizational membership and approve or deny admission to membership in keeping with the By-laws.
3. The Membership & External Relations Committee shall scrutinize nominations for honorary membership. The Membership & External Relations Committee will forward the nomination and outcome of the scrutinizing process to the Board. The Board will approve honorary membership.
4. The Membership & External Relations Committee shall scrutinize applications nominations for organizational membership and forward the nomination and outcome of the scrutinizing process to the Board. The Board will approve honorary membership.
External Relations Duties:
1. The Membership & External Relations Committee is responsible for actively engaging and projecting the ISMR internationally. In this activity the Membership & External Relations Committee is responsible for always maintaining the good reputation of the ISMR in the international arena.
2. The Membership & External Relations Committee is responsible for ISMR seeking innovative means for projecting the ISMR internationally.
3. The Membership & External Relations Committee has responsibility to develop, establish and maintain active relationships with the other professional groups and associations that have an interest related to maxillofacial rehabilitation.
4. Membership & External Relations Committee, in conjunction with the Education, Research & Outreach Committee will develop and maintain an international directory of maxillofacial rehabilitation programs and training programs (of all relevant programs in surgery, dental specialties, rehabilitation medicine, basic science and other relevant disciplines). Primary responsibility for developing and maintaining the directory rests with the Membership & External Relations Committee.
Governance and Bylaws Duties: It shall be the duty of the Membership & External Relations Committee to be familiar with the provisions of the Bylaws and constating documents (Constitution, Rules of Order and Terms of Reference) of the ISMR and to recommend amendments in the best interests of the ISMR.
The committee shall consider all proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-laws and shall submit them with recommendations to the membership for action at a constituent meeting or by mail.
Journal Duties:
1. The Membership & External Relations Committee is responsible for maintaining relationship with publisher to provide the ISMR membership with a journal that is specific to the ISMR. The journal may be specific to the ISMR or may have specific section for the ISMR.
2. The Membership & External Relations Committee will be advisory to the ISMR Journal Editor appointed by the Board of Councilors.
3. The Membership & External Relations Committee will advise the Board of Councilors on the financial arrangements related to the Journal for ISMR membership.
4. The Membership & External Relations Committee will be responsible for ensuring that the impact factor of the journal is considered appropriate, is improving and not in decline.
5. The Membership & External Relations Committee, together with the Journal Editor will maintain communication with the publisher to determine that the expectations of the ISMR are met for the quality of such characteristics as scientific content, peer review and timely publication. It is to be expected that any publication designated an official journal of the ISMR will be designed and prepared to advance the study and development of maxillofacial rehabilitation through the publication of articles reporting research, developments in education and clinically relevant information.
Advisory Council of Organizational Members (ACOM) Duties:
1. The Advisory Council of Organizational Members (ACOM) will be activated at the discretion of the Board.
2. The Advisory Council of Organizational Members (ACOM) has specific terms of reference.
3. ACOM is operated by a Chair and a Secretary. ACOM functions as a Committee of the ISMR and functions in accordance with the ACOM Terms of Reference.
4. ACOM is advisory to the Board of Councilors and reports to the Board.